Running Man Vs Bola!


To all the hard fans of Running Man, mesti y'all xsabar nak jumpa mereka for tomorrow fan meeting kan! Too bad, I'm so busy to go for RM. 
Maybe next time ler..huhu.

Si boyfriend went for stadium n si girlfriend layan Korea. Epik sangat2 y'all.

Anyway, tomorrow event will be featured Tiger Kook, Big-Nose Hyung Suk Jin, The Ace Jihyo and PoRoro Haha. The fan meeting will gonna start tomorrow nite at Stadium Negara. Hermm at the same time JDT vs Pahang kt Bukit Jalil. I can imagine jalan mesti jammed giler2. 
That's why 
I choose to stay lazying in my home.

Anyway, my experience went for Kookie's Fm was awesome and I can't agree more meeting the other cast!So, if u all went to RM's FM, why not sharing ur experience with Lisa.
Nak tahu jugak..Ermm very exciting BOLA Vs Kpop..Anyway, let's run and meet the FM Cast!

Running Race Start Season 2 Malaysia Nov1
image retrieved from:


  1. I read somewhere Kwangsoo is coming also ...

    1. ya..ya Kwang soo is coming also. Thanks for alert me..hehe

  2. alaa nak RM jgk tp CN prefer pilih bola since JDT ke final piala malaysia. hehe... ayuhhh johor!!! hee..

    1. org johor rupenyer..kan asal la timing sama dgn bola..huhu

    2. Hehe.. tu la kan.. timing tak kena plk :D
      yup lisa, org johor :)

  3. Replies
    1. haha...
      segamat lisa.. lisa org johor jgk ke? :)


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